English Phonics Consonants ‘f’ and ‘h’

Published on July 11, 2020 by

English Phonics Consonants ‘f’ and ‘h

English Phonics Consonants ‘f’ and ‘h’

Consonants# ‘f’, and ‘h’ are easy to learn in English phonics#. Please practice these sounds.

Consonants Introduction


Grade Level:  Kindergarten

Consonants produce sounds that are more consistent and easier to identify than vowels.  Therefore, they make a good starting point for learning to read.

Initially, work should be done on identifying beginning consonant sounds (ex:  t-t-t tulip).

After that, activities can focus on identifying final consonant sounds (ex:  cat ends with the t-t-t sound)

When children learn to recognize the sounds of consonants at the beginning and end positions of words, they gain the ability to look at a word and make a reasonable guess as to what it might be.

Viewing the word in the context of a picture will help reinforce this skill.

(for example, a picture of a dog with the word DOG underneath.  The ability to sound out the D and G letters will help the child identify that the word is DOG, not puppy or dalmatian)

Consonant ConceptsGrade Level:  Kindergarten

The ideas and activities presented in this section will help children develop the following skills:

  • identifying beginning consonant sounds
  • distinguishing between two or more beginning consonant sounds
  • identifying ending consonant sounds
  • distinguishing between two or more ending consonants
  • choosing words that have a particular beginning or ending consonant


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